Celebrating The "Silent" Generation

Portrait of a Generation, an exhibition in painting and sound, celebrated the lives of 11 American women of the “silent generation,” born between 1933 and 1943. Conducted with  Dr. Sharon Ravitch of the University of Pennsylvania, this project, in painting, drawing, writing, and sound, celebrated the individual lives of this diverse, generous, and wise group of women and in doing so, highlighted the trajectories and choices of American women who came of age during the 1960's. 

Presence - Lily Yeh - Oil on Wood - 43" by 36"

Realization - Sally Collier - Oil on Wood - 43" by 36"

Grace - Gloria Gay - Oil on Wood - 43" by 36"

Wonder - Stephanie Bower - Oil on Wood - 43" by 36"

Reclamation - Mother Anna Brown - Oil on Wood - 43" by 36"

Harmony - Arlene Ravitch - Oil on Wood - 43" by 36

Balance - Terry Messino - Oil on Wood - 43" by 36"

Alchemy - Ada Bello - Oil on Wood - 43" by 36"

Group Interview With Project Participants - "What did your mother teach you about being a woman?"